What are we proposing?

Our solution is the Proportional Property Tax

A simple flat rate of 0.48% on the current value of your property.

We will scrap Council Tax, Stamp Duty and Bedroom Tax.

The tax is only paid by property owners, not tenants.

Payment of the tax can be deferred for those owners unable to pay.

Exemptions on second homes and undeveloped plots will be scrapped.

Annual and automated valuations for all properties.

What does the policy mean for you?

If you rent… 

  • You will no longer be required to pay Council Tax – 8.7 million renting households will be removed from property tax.
  • You will not be required to pay Stamp Duty if you decide to buy your own property.

If you own your own property…

  • You are likely to see a reduction in property tax – 77% of households (18 million) will pay less, with an average saving of £556.
  • Any increase on what you are currently paying is capped at £1,200
  • You will not need to pay Stamp Duty if you decide to move home.

If you own your own property and are struggling to pay your Council Tax…

  • You can defer payment of the PPT until you can afford it or until you sell the property.

If you are renting a council or housing association property and have a spare room…

  • You will no longer need to pay the Bedroom Tax.

If you live outside London…

  • Your community will benefit from an overall £6.5 billion reduction in property taxes, representing a huge boost to local economies.

If you own more than one home…

  • You will see an increase in your property taxes but you will play an important role in “levelling up” our society and narrowing the gaping social divides.

If you are a property developer with undeveloped plots of land…

  • You will see an increase in your property taxes.

If you run a local council…

  • You will have less administrative work as the obligation to pay property tax is transferred from tenants to a smaller number of landlords. This will reduce the number of bill payers by at least 4.5 million and you will no longer be required to pursue struggling tenants for Council Tax debt.

How can we achieve change?


We show you the grim reality of the unfair council tax system and inform you of the savings that a fairer system would provide.


We connect people from all walks of life to join forces and challenge our broken council tax system, empowering each other to demand change.


We mobilise people nationwide who are fed up with being short-changed. Our voice is stronger collectively. Let’s make a difference and level up Britain!

Why are we doing this?

We live in critical times: income inequality in Britain is at its worst for a decade, regional inequality is out of control and millions of people are left using food banks just to get by. Across the UK there are now more food banks than there are McDonald's.

The Government has recognised the need to take action and pledged to ‘Level Up’ Britain - we are providing one solution to help them achieve this commitment.
Our new system would reduce tax bills for millions of British households, generating more money to be spent locally, helping to revive our towns and ‘Level Up’ our society.

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